Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Today's Life.

This morning , I was walking around the basketball court (it was recess time). All of sudden , I saw a few of my friends looking at me in a cruel way. Of course I'll feel uneasy....I knew something was going to happen to me....so.....I ran. They started to chase me....so I quickly find a hiding place. I actually happen to hide somewhere , where they really cant see me , but i can. After a few guys who were chasing me , passed me , i quickly ran away behind them..... by the way it really feels kinda fun when you were being chased after and you get to run away from them while you were hiding just right after they pass u. Lol... but when i ran , i forgotten that there's another one more guy who hasn't pass me yet. By the way, he's one of the strongest guy in my class. So i got caught. They brought me back to the basketball court. I was really struggling to run away cos , the students in my school wouldn't just wack you..they would play with your......*clears throat*..... Thank God it didn't happen to me......well...ALMOST! lol..... They really did unzip my pants..... I was already like kicking and punching....but there's too many people grabbing onto my arms and legs cos they know that I am the strongest in the class (only in my class not the whole school... and maybe some can defeat me la of course sometimes). But lol.......the zip wasn't so open cos my recess is over...... oh ya by the way , today was the first time i felt like i have used up all my energy...i really feel like fainting but thank God i am alrite now. lol.

Notice: Pls dun tell your parents that i experienced that.......lol i dunno wat to say...just dun tell them K? promise. keep it to urself lol...

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